Friday, September 29, 2006

One border collie - stressed

Hi all, here's the latest update from my world. I've been confined to barracks with a severe skin complaint apparently picked up last time I went to my other home (the kennels). This is particularly grim as it is in my elbows and restricts my movement. According to the Vet (is it just me or does he look like Anthony Perkins in Psycho?) it could well be stress related. Well knock me down with a feather but I don't recall too much contention going on in my life. Boredom yes, stress no. Wake up, go for walk, eat, sleep, sleep some more, walk or if lucky run, eat, sleep. It's a predictable cycle but one I've grown used to. Admittedly I don't like loud noises and that can, according to Psycho, be a contributing factor. However the principle initiator of it, the other male in the household, has left, so it can't even be that. And anyway, I sort of like Megadeath and Rammstein: all that tuetonic chanting is very disciplined and suits me. So, I am going to have to get better otherwise the running stops. The Master seems to think it is an excuse for him to stop as well. He's such a lightweight. Anyway, I'll fill you in on the progress of my illness over the next couple of weeks or so. So long.

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